
a new photograph every posting... and an inside line to my dreary life

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Greetings Citizens. Little to report today. I found out my land line is hooked up but that the connection inside the apartment isn't working. I called the managers and they sent an old Romanian guy over to look at it. He wasn't able to fix anything but we each had an espresso and talked for a while. He said he's never gotten used to "American coffee". Can't say I blame him.

Met L for breakfast today. It was nice. Afterwards I rode down to Salem and turned in my apartment keys. I got soaked as the rain and wind kicked up something fierce!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Greetings Citizens. Almost done! I think one more load and I'm out of Salem! Yea!!!!

Mark N. & Aimee stopped by tonight to see how the pad was shaping up. We had some tea and headed down to The Ram for dinner and a couple of beers (mine were root beers, of course!). I've already had more company here than the two years I lived in Salem. Amazing.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Greetings Citizens. I'm back in the saddle... metaphorically speaking, that is. Hope I wasn't too terribly missed. So, I am into my new digs here in "Lake O". Big Mike helped me get the computer hooked up this morning. Afterwards, he showed me where the grocery stores (and stuff like that) are located. Then I went to The 'Couv to turn in a n image for a photo show. Then I stopped by L's house for a couple of cups of tea and some even better conversation.

My folks were down for a visit and to help me clean. They left on Thursday. We got quite a lot done. I really don't know where I'd be without there help along with the help of Mark N. & Aimee. Tomorrow, I'm heading down to get the some stuff into the storage shed. Sunday, I should be able to bring my last load up here and vacuum and turn in the keys.

It's nice to be back online. I didn't realize how disconnected (pun intended!) I'd be not being on the internet for so long.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Greetings Citizens. The truck is loaded and as soon as Mark N. gets his flat tire fixed we are on the road. Don't expect regular postings until February. I may sneak in a couple on the fly.... while I'm down here cleaning up but don't bet the farm on it. Internet service for my new place begins on January 30th.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Greetings Citizens. Tomorrow begins the final thrust towards the new apartment. Mark N. is helping me move the big stuff tomorrow. I've rented a U-Haul truck and we'll move my bed, a hamper, my futon and two dressers. Once I get that stuff out of this apartment, I can figure out what goes into storage and what goes into the circular file.

I figure I'll be watching the playoffs up there on Sunday. Make some vittles and hang out. Probably do some laundry now that there's a washer and dryer in my apartment.

Big day tomorrow.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Greetings Citizens. Apparently, there will be a full-time position opening up at PCC. The Dean of the Art Department told me to be watching the job opportunities list as he was leaving on Wednesday. I would have to think that they plan on hiring either me or S, who also teaches there as an adjunct. I don't know about her, but it would be a sweet job for me to land. I'd be very happy. I remember being at the Workshops, in Maine, telling everyone all I want to do is teach Photography at a community college. And now, all these years later, the opportunity has presented itself! So we'll see what happens.

Most kids finished their pinhole assignment. Some didn't quite get things done either through disaster or laziness. I was mildly surprised at some of the images they made. Usually, they don't get too far out the door before peeling back the tape. But more than one student took their cameras off campus to make an exposure. It's a serious leap of faith because they don't see the changes in light very well. Therefore, they tended to make poor exposures. Still, you have to give them credit for trying. One thing they do have to learn in a hurry is that they need to pick up after themselves. They made awful messes in the darkroom and the class room. The woman who teaches the non-credit night class gave me the business for the way the room was left for her. That will happen only once.

Today I was going to move some stuff up to my new apartment but I fell asleep on the couch. Getting only four or five hours a sleep a night is beginning to catch up to me. Anyway, I did manage to mat some prints for a couple of shows and get them to the frame shop before my digi-class got started. There were only three students, so class went smooth and was pretty much personally directed toward what they wanted/needed to learn.

I grabbed a root beer at the store and listened to the Cougars blow a basketball game to the Ducks. We had a one-point lead with 12 seconds left in the game. We missed two free throws and the Ducks hit a three-pointer with .04 seconds left on the clock. Harsh.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Greetings Citizens. I went into the school today to watch over the dedicated students who put in time this afternoon on their pinhole cameras. There was a satisfactory turn-out. I seriously believe that I have some ambitious and dedicated students this term and I have high hopes that they will produce some wonderful work. I sincerely believe that having the students make pinhole images is a great way to get them hooked on photography. Of course there are all sorts of problems and failures but in the end it serves them well.

The digi-non-credit class went well today. I think a few people have bailed out but no matter. They've paid. I know one guy is in Hawaii.

As I walked in the door tonight, I got a call from Donna. We chatted about teaching and Stinky Springs and all things good. It was an enjoyable catch-up.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Greetings Citizens. Once again the rain has come! It is pouring outside! I was going to make a couple of trips up to the new apartment, instead I made one. Got most of my books up there along with some pictures for the walls. I might try to get a dresser up there tomorrow. I told the kids I'd be up there for open lab from 10-1. After the lab session, I'll make an espresso and head home. I've got my digi-class tomorrow. It looks like the intermediate sections aren't filling up so I might get off the hook on them. Clackamas is concerned that the class I'm supposed to teach next term has a prerequisite attached to it. I think they want the students to have taken a basic design class first. We'll see how that develops out. Hopefully, it won't affect my teaching the course any.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Greetings Citizens. A day of football and packing. More football than packing. But hey! It's the playoffs! The Seahawks got their work cut out for them next week.

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to move some stuff up to the new place. Mount some pictures and put the strays into storage. Get my books up there. Mark N. might help me get my Porsche up there too. And the espresso machine needs to be moved up there and given its proper space. I have the spot scoped out. And I need to get the stereo up there too. Moving is easier with tunes!

Have I published this image already? If so, sorry.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Greetings Citizens. A slacker's day today. Rode the motorcycle (yes, in the rain!) up to a staff meeting at PCC. Afterwards, I moved an enlarger over from the newspaper's darkroom. They went out of business and were unloading stuff. The enlarger is in good shape and the lenses are even better. They had a shit-load of trays and even some old Agfa Portriga Rapid. It probably is age-fogged but it is worth investigating. That was one of the best photo papers ever made... even better than Forte when it was made with water containing heavy metals.

When I got home I had an early supper and fell asleep watching the news. My Dad woke me up with a phone call. I watched some of the Friday night news reviews on PBS and drank some tea. Then I tried to call L but she was out and about. Settled into a movie: 2046. The imagery was great and I liked the story though reading the text difficult at times because it went so fast. Still I give it a thumbs up. Now I'm off to bed with the silly notion that I can run a load of books up to my new pad tomorrow and get back in time to see the Seahawks football game.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Greetings Citizens. Today was a day to stay inside and take care of business. I confirmed today that the digi-job was mine at Clackamas CC. I talked with the department head for some time about what we felt was important to be teaching art students. We seemed to have the same notions. I definitely owe Smith a favor (or two) for helping me get the job! I also did all the stuff you need to do when moving from one place to another: bought tape, got change of address forms, called the utilities, etcetera, etcetera. Then I had to go see Meg at Chemeketa to tell her I wouldn't be back in the spring. I mentioned that I had tried to get a credit job there but the department head didn't seem to be interested in me. Meg was disappointed but understood where I needed to move forward. After that, I went to my class. It was fun. I like my group this session. They're funny and are eager to learn the necessary steps. After the class ended, I helped a women work on an image of her Mother. It was the last image made of her in her house before the kids had to make the difficult decision to put her in a rest home. I showed her how to do it and she was extremely grateful. That is what makes teaching special!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Greetings Citizens. The kids are making some fantastic cameras! Who knows how the prints will turn out but the cameras are interesting. And there were only two complete camera flops where the student picked something unmanageable. I could have told them it wouldn't work but then I wouldn't see nearly as many as interesting ideas. Besides, it's a learning experience for them. I adore Pinhole Photography.... the great equalizer!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Greetings Citizens. So I'm checking my emails this morning before I do some packing. And one of them is from Smith E., the other photo teacher where I'm teaching. And she has a message introducing me to he boss at another community college where she teaches. It seems her boss needs a digital photography teacher at a school near to where I am moving. Can you believe that? Anyway the woman calls me twice on the phone for a total of five minutes and the job is mine. A 3-credit digital photography class.... beginning spring quarter! I can't believe it myself! And that means I can drop the non-credit class. I enjoy it but the money isn't there. Plus this new class is at the same time and 30 minutes closer to home.

I turned in three images to Sixth Street Gallery today for a photo show. Of course I hand-delivered the images to L. We had a coffee and a nice talk. She told me she needed some space because her old boyfriends are driving her nuts. I said I wouldn't hound her like the idiots who dumped her but that I was smitten with her. She smiled. She told me she likes having conversations with me; I told her she has the softest lips I've ever kissed. And to my great relief, not once did she say, "Let's just be friends." So, of course I'm a little saddened by the this turn of events but I think things will turn out well for us in the end.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Greetings Citizens. Tomorrow is the first day of the Winter Quarter. I'm more than ready to go! The break was a long one. A good one but a long one. My biggest dilemma is trying to figure out how to 5 or 6 intermediate students to work with (and around) 14-plus basic students in my afternoon class. I've been thinking about it quite a bit and have yet to come up with anything concrete. But I'll figure out something.

Yesterday, I was given the keys to my new apartment. I'll be taking up the small stuff when I go up to teach. Somewhere down the line I will ask (graciously!) for help from my very, very good friends (with pick-up trucks).

My first class starts at 0800 tomorrow. I have been staying up that late for most of the break. I've been trying to alter my sleeping habits but I have only been moderately successful. My plan for tomorrow is to get up at 0430! Yikes! So it is nearly my bed time right now.

Pinhole Photography is the first assignment for both the basic and intermediate students. The intermediate kids will have to make a few more and I'll expect the quality to be higher too.

Wish me luck. I fear the circus girl is going to make some disruptive appearance. If she does, I hope it includes juggling.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Greetings Citizens. Well things didn't quite go as planned for your humble protagonist. L was in her stride when I arrived... fashionably late. There were probably thirty people there. I knew her... that's it. It was raining when I got there and I had a print and other presents for her. I didn't want the print to get wet, so we went indoors for a moment while I lavished her with birthday gifts. She didn't seem too impressed. In fact, she didn't even unwrap the one gift that I had wrapped up for her. She had to attend to her friends. I don't fault her for that but I felt like a fish out of the water. I tried to talk to a few people but mostly everyone knew everybody else and they didn't seem to have any time for somebody new to the group. Now, believe it or not gentle readers, I don't do well in groups when the numbers get too big. People think I'm a goof-ball or just plain weird. And i have a hard time striking up a conversation with people I don't know. I never really know what to say. It's silly, I know but, for whatever reason, it's difficult for me. So after an hour of standing in the rain, I said I was going home. No hug, no nothing. Just, "I guess you have a long ways to drive." And believe me, it was a long drive home.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Greetings Citizens. Went up to PCC today. Apparent there has been no word from the parents of the kid with the D. Maybe Mom put the hammer down on Dad and told him to stop. At any rate, nobody has heard anything from them and that suits me fine.

Got L's chocolate today too. She should be good to go for a while. Her party is tomorrow and Jen H. is going with me. I want to know someone else besides L. She's inviting 80+ people! I have a bashel full of gifts for her.... chocolate, wine, a photo.

Tomorrow I'm back up at PCC to turn a room into a camera.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Greetings Citizens. For the first time in a long time it didn't rain here today. So after filling in at Meals on Wheels for the last time, I put on my riding gear and hit the road for a very long and very enjoyable motorcycle ride. The traffic was light and the weather was comfortable. I ended up out near McMinnville. There is a Porsche place out there and I stopped in to see if they had a wheel for my 356B. Not only did they have a wheel but they have vintage racers and all sorts of classic Porsches. It was awesome! The owner gave me a tour of the place and told me the histories of some of the cars. His kids are down in Daytona getting ready to race a sponsored Porsche at the Rolex 24 at Daytona. There were lots of cool things to make images of out there too. The owner said I was more than welcome to come back out with my camera and make some images. So now I have a new pinhole project.

I got home just in time for the start of the Rose Bowl. It was a great game to watch... very exciting. Texas won, scoring the go-ahead touchdown with less than a minute left in the game.

Tomorrow I am at PCC for a class on using the intranet and to do some photocopies for my class. Good times.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Greetings Citizens. Today was to be my last day delivering for M-O-W but I'll be doing a route tomorrow. I was slightly surprised when neither of my bosses say good-bye. Oh well.

I ordered some chocolate for L. She's a dark chocolate junkie and I got her some 88% bittersweet from Germany. I picked up some kitchen towels for a collection she's putting together for some refuges living in Vancouver.

I had to get a new windshield wiper for the 356B. When I was driving home on New Year's night, it came loose and flew off. I need it to look complete when I go to Vancouver on Friday. The boys will undoubtedly want to go for a ride and L will probably like a moment to prepare for the big event.

Tonight was the first night for my digi-class. I have seven students for this session. There are only four signed up for Thursday so, unless we get three more, that session will be cancelled. We went over basic camera operations and functions. Since the class is in the evening, I missed the football game... except for overtime. Of course it was the craziest, most entertaining game of the season. If tomorrows game is as good, it should be an excellent championship game. I'll probably get a pizza and a root beer to eat while I'm watching. Go Trojans.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Greetings Citizens. If you're a football nut like me then you certainly got your fill today. Some good games for sure.

Went and got L a bottle of Chianti for her birthday party this Friday. She's planning on having about 80 people over to her place. I hope it doesn't rain because her apartment is less than 800 square feet! There is a huge green space out in front and she's planning on setting up some party tents and starting a bonfire. It'll be just like going to a kegger. Good times ahead.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Greetings Citizens. So here we are in the New Year. Last year (according to the number of images shoot for the last 12 months on my iPhoto) I shot over 2200 photos using my digital cameras. I'm guessing I shot around 400 analog images. Wow!

I gave images to Mark N. and Jen & Aaron as belated Christmas presents last night. Mark got me a set of The Three Wise Monkeys (which I collect) and Jen brought me back a Dr Pepper from The Big D. It's special because it's made with cane sugar instead of corn syrup. And believe me when i tell you that you can tell the difference.

The party was very low-key last night and I was (as usual) the only unattached person in the room. It can be awkward but I suppose, in a way, I've become used to it. The highlight of the evening was watching a cop car nearly sideswipe my parked Porsche (that I just got back after 17 years!) as he was rounding a corner where the party was being held. I got home around 3:30. And got up at 10.

I got this morning in time to see the Seahawks game on the tube. But I was still pretty tired. So I kept falling asleep and waking up. After naps and football I made a Reuben sandwich and watched Clint Eastwood in For a Few Dollars More on AMC. A thrilling way to bust into the new year.

You're thinking: "What's pinholeman's New Year's resolution?" Well, I didn't make one. (I have a secret one, really, but I ain't tellin' it to ya).