Today Charlotte and I are heading down to Ephraim, Utah. Cristiana is at a camp there and we need to pick her up early tomorrow morning. After we get her, we'll go have a nice breakfast somewhere then meet the other two kids in SLC for lunch and to transfer Cristiana over. Then, me & Charlotte are hopping a plane for Seattle. She gets to meet my Mom & Dad for the first time. We'll also get to watch some baseball. Since Charlotte is from Ohio we planned this trip while the Indians are in town. She'll be sporting a 1995 American League Champions Indians jersey. I hope she doesn't get the crap knocked out of her since the Indians beat the Mariners for the crown that year.
We are also going to go up to Paradise on Mt. Rainer for the hell of it.
Hey you alive or ever check this thing? I want to do some projects and wanted an online mentor.... you interested?
i look for a stray comment every now and then.
love this 'headless' wonder, what camera did you use for this?
i used a diana.
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