Yesterday, I was given the keys to my new apartment. I'll be taking up the small stuff when I go up to teach. Somewhere down the line I will ask (graciously!) for help from my very, very good friends (with pick-up trucks).
My first class starts at 0800 tomorrow. I have been staying up that late for most of the break. I've been trying to alter my sleeping habits but I have only been moderately successful. My plan for tomorrow is to get up at 0430! Yikes! So it is nearly my bed time right now.
Pinhole Photography is the first assignment for both the basic and intermediate students. The intermediate kids will have to make a few more and I'll expect the quality to be higher too.
Wish me luck. I fear the circus girl is going to make some disruptive appearance. If she does, I hope it includes juggling.
my hopes are riding on the back of the prancing lipizaner horse i hope she'll be balancing on
i guess the gal left a nasty comment about my teaching on some webpage devoted to rating college preofessor. too funny.... my class is still full.
i love juggling, but i *adore* the tight robe. (good luck)
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