Greetings Citizens. Tomorrow begins the final thrust towards the new apartment. Mark N. is helping me move the big stuff tomorrow. I've rented a U-Haul truck and we'll move my bed, a hamper, my futon and two dressers. Once I get that stuff out of this apartment, I can figure out what goes into storage and what goes into the circular file.
I figure I'll be watching the playoffs up there on Sunday. Make some vittles and hang out. Probably do some laundry now that there's a washer and dryer in my apartment.
Big day tomorrow.
A washer and dryer. Wow. Luxurious.
damned right!
sinful synergies! sinful!
bwaaaha ahaaa hhaaaaaa
okay. i don't know what i mean by that. but i want to dip my finger in your rusty picture and then lick it.
beautiful rust
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