Football season is over and it is time to pack the gear away. Basketball is just around the corner and I need to find my gear!
It looks like I have found someone to buy my house... or they found me, to be more precise. I've had to rent a storage shed for the cars and I'll probably need another one for all my crap (plus some of Charlotte's stuff, too). I'm going to move into Charlotte's place a few months before the wedding. This has caused the gossip mill in the Hillcrest Second Ward to spin out of control. It's great! The wedding is still on for 04/01/10. All are invited. See you in Vegas.
How did you know I was still reading your blog? I'm sorry I didn't respond very quickly, I feel a lot of responsibility being your only reader and I should have read it sooner.
thanks for helping me keep the blog alive!
Make that two...from time to time. -Cole
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