Hello Gentle Readers. At least one of you was able to say "hippopotamus" before I returned. To you anonymous reader, I say "Well done. Well done, indeed."
My trip to the Jet City, or should I say Emerald City?, was fine. I stayed east going up... through the foothills of the Cascades. I made a few pictures along the way, including this 20-foot high tepee. I also stopped to photograph a church in Elbe, Washington and was "lucky" enough to be serenaded by a bunch of drunks signing karaoke. It was enough to make you cry. I made it Mom and Dad's after about eight hours on the road. Not bad considering the trip along the freeway takes less than four hours!
The morning after I arrived I met a friend and fellow photographer, Sabrina R.. We went out shooting and shot the s*&$ along the way. It was great to catch up with her. She's another of a long line of photographers that has passed through the Maine Photographic Workshops. We did the Work-Study program in 1997. (Where do the years go)?
The next morning, I showed off my culinary skills and made a German Pancake for the folks. Needless to say, they were impressed. After that I met an old college chum from Wazzu. I hadn't see Psycho Dave in years! The stories I could tell! Like the time I rolled LeCar coming back from Lewiston and then we stopped to pick up a rabid fox lying in the middle of the road. Or the time we watched him set fireworks off in this guy's apartment he didn't like.... twice! And that just scratches the surface. Now he's a nice boy.... married to a loving wife. And he takes care of his two adorable children. I guess a good woman can affect you like that. I doubt if I'll ever know for sure.
My Grandma died on the Fourth of July. I stayed close to home. And let the fireworks remind me of what a wonderful person she was. Pall Mall's killed her when I was 13. Dad can tell the best stories about her but he didn't tell any this day. Me and Mom went for a little walk in the evening after it had cooled down a little. We gossiped like we always do. And had a couple of good belly laughs. I'll miss her when she's gone.
I took the ocean route coming home... it only took me
nine hours. But the trip was relaxing and I made a few crappy seascapes along the way.
Today my boss at M-O-W gave me a new route. Some other old codger was complaining about the route being too long. (Boo-hoo)! So they moved me to his route apparently because my route is the easiest. Well not any more. I'm going to miss Amon. He's a great ol' guy. He grew up here and tells interesting stories. I hope the new guy enjoys him as much as I do.
After doing my route, I got a new front tire on the BMW. My mechanics are a riot. But it cost me an arm & leg every time I go there!
From there I went and visited the foster dad of the kid I mentor. My Dad was able to score them some M's tickets for a game against the Indians. Jake was happy to get them. We talked about Kyle for awhile before I rode off into the sunset. I need to mat a picture Kyle made tomorrow come to think of it.
Finally, condolences are in order for my friend Jack. His Dad died on the third.