I'm back. Greeting citizens, after a few days gone south I am back to my blog. San Francisco was excellent. Stacey (pictured) took good care of me while Debra let me use her apartment as my own personal studio. It was a cozy set-up and very much appreciated. On the way down I was able to photograph Paul Bunyan and rocks... lots of rocks. And waves too. I had to retrieve my helmet after it went over a 150 foot cliff. (That was great fun). I also made some more anti-graffiti images and ate lots of mango gelato in North Beach. And I walked and walked. Miles! Uphill, no less. But I must say I enjoyed every minute. I found a woman's wallet in the street too! It was loaded with cash and about seven hundred credit cards. We took it to two policemen who were sitting down to lunch. I said, "I found a wallet." The cop says, "We're getting ready to eat lunch." I said what am I supposed to do? Take the money out and throw the wallet away?" The cop says, "We'll take it." Now THAT'S justice in action! That's enough for now.
Welcome home.
thanks... a couple of good stories are coming soon
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