On a more domestic note, I thought I'd try making some pretty pictures of flowers with my $900 pinhole camera (aka D-70 with a pinhole cap). I have a bellows attachment from my Nikon F1. Guess what. It won't attach because the battery compartment interferes with the coupling. Does that make any sense? Is anyone out there anyway? So I can't adjust the focal length of the pinhole without going out and buying some extension tubes. Harsh realities. There's another big handicap to shooting digital pinholes I'm beginning to realize. Namely, the dust shows up more prominently than if you use a lens. I have no real explanation but I suspect it has something to do with the softness of the image and the fact that the dust rests on the low-pass filter. It isn't a major issue but it is a little more time spent using the band-aide tool than I'd like to be doing. So I get to my location... ready to shoot and lo & behold here comes Grandmother Wind blowing all up in my grill, yo! Wind is not conducive to quality pinhole photos since the exposure times were running 15-20 seconds. So I only made a few; this is the best of the bunch, I suppose.
Tomorrow, I'm checking out the facilities at Newspace Gallery to make sure there are no surprises when I give my workshop on August 13th. I think I'm meeting Newton at The Original Hotcake and Steak House (not to be confused with The Original Pancake House). It's a total greasy-spoon with the best omelettes. Maybe I'll make some pics afterwards. You never know.
you're sick of hearing about carl-von-utah rove? i won't tell you my secret about him then.
in any case, there are many more watching you than you realize...i've even given out your web address to a select few curious cats with clandestine intentions. beware. beware my red right hand.
i want to i know your dirty little secret shasta, darling
So do I, Susan. Rove AND Bush should go down.
Anyway, maybe I would spend more time on your blog Mark if you had cute baby pictures like Darren.
Oh, by the way, Darren's wife had her baby.
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