Dear Gentle Readers, Sometimes your protagonist feels like an idiot. I say things that maybe I shouldn't say; I do things I shouldn't do. We all know the drill. Well, here's my dilemma: Those of you who know me know that I had a twenty-something love affair with the hippie lettuce... the tree... the cloud. And, frankly, I don't regret it (too much) because it helped shape who I am (figuratively NOT literally... for that I blame ice cream). But I have difficulties with my past. Namely, I lived in a fog and tuned the world and my life out. It was my own choosing. And there are consequences because of it. It has been a difficult readjustment to all the wonderful things life has to offer and one thing above all scares me to death. And that is attempting to form a relationship with someone. Frankly, I don't know what to do... I'm still a seventeen year old asking myself, " Should I try and hold her hand? Should kiss her goodbye?" It's dumb but honestly I am 47 years old and I don't know what I should do. I've met a wonderful person and I can't do any better than, "Um, so um would you um like to get together again?" [Speaker has puppy-eyes laced with fear]. "We'll work on that," says she who has captured my tiny heart. What, dear readers, am I to do? The problem is I don't know what's normal and I don't watch too many sappy movies (especially if Julia Roberts is in them)! So I'm clueless. I don't want to stay dumb... I want some "whatever" to happen to me.
Now if you start worrying about what is normal, you are in trouble. If you start trying to act according to what you think other's expect you to act, you have lost the game.
A relationship is between yourself and another very unique individual. You have to play it according to the two of you.
I am sure I could come up with some clever sports reference but I would probably fail. How about something I know a little more about . . .
If you are going to start worrying about or living up to what others expect, well then, maybe you should become a wedding photographer and photograph pretty sunsets - after all, that is what photographers do, isn't it?
ditto. and you should say, hey "___," wanna go back to my house and make out?
I also agree with J. I just threw a wrench into things with a girl that I've been dating when I tried to follow what I thought was "normal" instead of doing (or not doing, for that matter) what we were both ready for.
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