Greetings Citizens. Today is Valentine's Day and I'm having my dinner alone. Again. L is in Costa Rica having a great time. I guess the weather is very hot but she's having a grand time.
On Sunday, I lost the key to Heidi. Initially, I thought the key was stolen and feared that Heidi would be hijacked if I left here out in the cold. So I had to put her in the garage, which is quite a walk from from my apartment. It ain't so bad if you aren't carrying anything but if your arms are full, it seems like a ways. So, anyways, I stopped by the main office of the apartment complex today to see if my key had been turned in to the lost & found. It hadn't but the key had been seen by a woman who works in the office. I asked her if she could show me where she had seen it and, to my shock and surprise, she told me she couldn't leave her post. I went looking for it but to no avail all the time getting more pissed off because I wasn't 100% sure I was looking in the right area. And, of course, it's snowing! So I'm cold
and pissed! I finally give up the search and call Steve to see how much a new ignition is going to cost me. A lot! Then, Big Mike suggests I put up a sign. Hmmmmmm......why didn't I think of that? Because I'm an idiot? So I make a sign. Four hours later I get a call from a woman trying to tell me something in broken English. I'm thinking she's got the wrong number but then her kid gets on the other end and says, "I found your key." Allah be praised! I went to get the key and had a very nice chat with the family. They're from Mexico and are each working and taking language classes at PCC. She gave me her card.... she's a housekeeper. (Might have to take her up and have my apartment cleaned by a trained professional)! I gave the kid some cash. They weren't going to take it but I insisted the boy take the money and start up a bank account or something. They relented and took the dollars. I left happy and I think I made some new friends to boot.