I went to Dundee today to get a new clutch cable and a battery charger for Heidi. It's cold out! And the high tomorrow is supposed to be 10 degrees colder than today.
I'm probably going to ride up to Seattle tomorrow anyway. There's an umpires clinic sponsored by Seattle Metro (who I umpired for for over 20 years) and I am thinking of getting back into working slow pitch for some summer fun money. I don't want to work any high caliber ball anymore. I've had my fill.
I have to make four portraits by Wednesday for a digital class I'm taking. It's odd being assigned projects again!
shasta! that's soooooo ironic. that's what i was thinking of (seriously!) when i shot this image!!!!
mark, i love this image -- it's incredible!
thank you icarus! you've made my day!
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