
a new photograph every posting... and an inside line to my dreary life

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wow! The summer session is flying by like no "get out"! Only eight more class days, including the Final. The kids are very busy but are doing a great job all things considered. Today we're toning prints and they also are getting the "Portrait" assignment... which will be due on Monday. We'll begin to discuss their Final Projects too. Busy, busy!

As summer finally begins to present itself, I find myself yearning for a road trip. I would love to get on the open road and track down some Americana to photograph. But, instead, I need to find a job and get ready for Sitka. I'm hoping to find a small block of time to travel when I get done up there.

I'm meeting with someone from career services today. We're going to design a resume and cover letter for a job that's available on campus.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Today I am going to a basketball camp to learn how to officiate using three-man mechanics. Utah, as in most things, is way behind in using these mechanics. In every other state, three-man mechanics are the norm for all levels of play. Utah is just beginning to incorporate the system into 5-A and 4-A Boys. The camp won't get me more games next season, nor will I be working three-man next season. Still, I want to learn the mechanics so when the day comes I'll know what I'm doing.

Rusty doesn't think we should carpool because we might get assigned to different gyms. "So what," say Dave and I. Gas is $4/gallon, certainly something can be worked out.

I made this image with my Rollei on a trip to Maine a few years back. I think it's the Mariners. It is certainly how they are playing!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Black & White Days is going on in Richmond. Some of the class planned on going this morning to watch the parade. One problem: the parade is at 5PM. Right before the horse pull. So, I'll see if people want to go later.

I need to complete working on my "Joe-job" resume this weekend. There's a job posted that interests me. I need to get in on the ground floor.

Friday, May 16, 2008

You have got to love a 4:1 student/teacher ratio. It makes teaching and learning so much easier. We may go on a field trip to Black and White Days tomorrow, if enough of the kiddies are interested. There's a parade and a horse pulling competition. Heady stuff for a beginning photographer!

Got a haircut yesterday... now I have a sunburn on the top of my head! (Stupid sunshine). After I got clipped, I went over to HR to see how things were going and to express interest in a job recently posted. I think it'd be a good fit for me. And it pays $10K more than I was earning as a lecturer... which isn't saying much.

I was amused to see the student responses to the new photo teacher on Rate My Professor. Now, I don't put too much credence in the site but some of the responses are disturbing to me. But that's not my problem.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Good Morning. The photo class has their first prints (photograms) due this morning. They also have shot a roll of film & made a contact sheet which is also due. This assignment seems to have sent the weak running! We're now down to 11 students. The workload seems to have scared them off. A couple of the people that dropped surprises me because they purchased the group buy... maybe it's because their tuition hasn't been paid. At any rate, we now have a nice group of students and we'll be able to give them some fine one-on-one attention.

Me & Dave have basketball tonight. After the games, I need to call the Richmond Courthouse and pay my fine for not having up-to-date license tabs on the Falcon.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Good morning. Whew! I forgot how early 0530 rolls around. I'm getting ready for a four-week extravaganza teaching basic photography for the summer session. Me & Cole have 17 students enrolled (it remains to be seen that they will all stick it out) in the class. We got together yesterday to figure out how to get through a semester's worth of material in four short weeks. I think we've come up with a good line-up of assignments. After class, I need to get the Falcon back. It was impounded on Saturday by a Cache County Sheriff because the tabs were expired. Instead of letting me park it and take care of things today, I was issued a ticket and the car was towed two miles. It'll cost $180 to get it out... not to mention getting it inspected and paying the ticket. Apparently, when I moved from my apartment the state didn't forward my renewal to my new address. I was clueless that the tabs had expired. The cop was kind of a jerk about things and I won't be buying benefit tickets to the Cache County Sheriff's Rodeo anymore.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

What?! No takers on the last print? How about this one? $49.99

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

You can buy this print from me for the tidy sum of $41.48...

... or you can buy this for $41, 480, 000.00.

Been trying to put a resume together. My work history is so wacked and scattered, it is hard to put anything together that looks like I'm a credible person with something to offer. Scary.

A student emailed me to complain about his grade. He missed one-third of class time, didn't do one redo, turned work in late and instead of spending three weeks on his final portfolio spent three days. But it's my fault he got a "D". I guess I should have got out of bed & done more.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Good morning.

Yesterday, me and David drove to Morgan to work a RMFL game. The game was pretty good with the final score being 9-0. I worked the side and was on the losing side. But it was pretty fun & they didn't give me too much grief.

Afterwards, we went to a Mexican restaurant that was in a coupon book David had. The food was okay. I had mole enchiladas and an orange soda.

Today, I think I might head down to SLC and make some pretty pictures. It's pretty nice out and is great weather for a road trip.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Well, that's that. I've posted my grades and the semester is officially finished. All-in-all, I'd have to say I had a good run. I think I've shown more than a couple of students that they can be quite successful (and happy) being a Photographer. I feel like I'm leaving a great group of kids behind. I sure would have liked to have seen how some of them came out in the end but that's not how the dice were rolled.

Am I bitter? Sure, I don't think I was treated fairly down the stretch. Am I glad I did it anyway? Probably. I met some wonderful people. I hope I was able to give to them as much as they gave to me. But a part of me will always think that I probably would have been better off to have stayed in Portland.

The hardest thing will be driving by the Art Building and know that I'm no longer contributing to what's going on inside.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Here's my first digital infrared photograph. It's a fir tree outside my house and while it isn't much of an image, you got to start somewhere.

I'm using the same camera to record my students' work today. I went to do some copy work yesterday but the studio was being used. I'll get it all finished today instead. I neeed to buy some lightbulbs for the copy stand. There are three different types of bulbs and the lights can't be balanced the way they are set up right now.