Good Morning. The photo class has their first prints (photograms) due this morning. They also have shot a roll of film & made a contact sheet which is also due. This assignment seems to have sent the weak running! We're now down to 11 students. The workload seems to have scared them off. A couple of the people that dropped surprises me because they purchased the group buy... maybe it's because their tuition hasn't been paid. At any rate, we now have a nice group of students and we'll be able to give them some fine one-on-one attention.
Me & Dave have basketball tonight. After the games, I need to call the Richmond Courthouse and pay my fine for not having up-to-date license tabs on the Falcon.
Sounds like you're lucky that they dropped off. You didn't want them anyway.
rodger that, good buddy
Wow lucky kids to get all that one on one time with good old Dungan!
You teaching this fall?
No, sadly my teaching career will end with this summer class.
Wow that is crazy? On to bigger and better!
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