Am I bitter? Sure, I don't think I was treated fairly down the stretch. Am I glad I did it anyway? Probably. I met some wonderful people. I hope I was able to give to them as much as they gave to me. But a part of me will always think that I probably would have been better off to have stayed in Portland.
The hardest thing will be driving by the Art Building and know that I'm no longer contributing to what's going on inside.
I'm just some random girl that wants to know if you can direct me somewhere they might teach classed on the Holga camera, in the SLC area or as far south as provo. I'm a hands on type of a learner, so reading instructions can confuse me a bit. so I was hoping to find someone who teaches that sorta thing.
If you know of any one please email me :) hakeber77@gmail.com
try amanda moore> ajmoore@movingtruewest.com
she might be able to direct you in the right direction.
I am looking for some honest feedback about my new work that I released on May 1st. All 20 images may be viewed here:
All comments, criticism and or questions are welcome here:
I will answer all questions directly asked on my blog and of course you may contact me through IM on AIM, MSN or Yahoo! with the user name tysoncrosbie if you want to have a longer conversation about the work.
I think you'll still have a chance to contribute to the goings on in the art department because you'll still get students asking you questions like: what color film is best in a holga? and Have you tried cross-processing?
Mark, no one else has really given me the direction I need in photography like you. I finally realized that I can't take pictures for anyone else besides me. That means I will do no weddings, family pictures, etc. I'm putting my foot down. Oh, I didn't have an extra print of "Lewiston", so I'll get one to you one of these days.
thanks amy... it's nice to know that there are people out there that have benefited from my way of teaching... remember, you're going to be a STAR!!!
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