So, I'm spending the day trying to sort out crap in a couple of rooms in my house. Most of my time has been in my computer room (where most of my camera stuff & photographs are located). It's a gawd-awful mess but is getting better. I keep being distracted by loose images I find along the way... like this one. It's my work study group from the MPW shot in the summer of 1997. My mentor, Brenton Hamilton, is the guy squatting second from the left. I can't remember who made the shot but it was made on my first Holga... in fact, the negative is 6x4.5 because I didn't know you could take the damned thing out.
I think David is coming over today to see if we can't get the Falcon up & running. The falcon is in the mire! I worked b-ball with him last night. I think I did a pretty shitty job. I don't know why but I couldn't get my head into the games.
Now playing:
Supreme Beings Of Leisure - You're Always The Sunvia FoxyTunes
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