Told the group that if you are a Photographer, it your destiny to make at least one Barbie picture... here's mine.
Kristie Bezold is showing ambrotypes for here Senior Show. They are in a word stunning! Far and away her work is better than any other of the students' work I've seen to date. When I first got here everyone belittled the work she made. But she persevered and now her work trumps all of the crap her fellow seniors are producing. Congratulations, Bezold!!!
Now playing: Joe Walsh - Midnight Moodies
via FoxyTunes
Yeah, Kristie's work is pretty sweet. It'll get her somewhere I think.
I have one seat left for Moab. Are you coming down? We're meeting at Pictureline at 8:30...plenty of space in the big truck!
sorry.... i have a class to teach
Wait which one was Katie? She the blond or the one that didn't complete her work? Or someone not in our class?
Oh and who is the replacement? the creepy guy?
not katie...kristi. she's kind of goofy but works really hard. i'm so happy for her success because she's taken a LOT of crap from her "fellow" students.
they did, in fact, hire the guy. i don't know if he's creepy, or not.
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