Here's another image from my "Chair" series... an unexpected bonus. I had set up to shoot a woman who worked in the kitchen at the MPW. I was all set up when Mary Ellen Mark walked by me. I asked her if she'd pose in my chair. Her response was that she was too busy and continued to walk on. I thought to myself, "She's pretty much a bitch! How does she get all the great portraits she makes"? About that time she comes back around a corner and asks if I'm ready. I tell her I am and she sort of slunk into the chair. Luckily, I had just made a light reading and after asking if she was ready, *clicked* off this one shot. She immediately got up and went about her business.
All 13 of us in the work-study program traded lots of images over our seven-week stint as slave-labor for the MPW. This was my #1 trader.
I go to the doctor today. I have to tell him I am losing my job and my benefits. That, and he has three months to cure all that ails me. (Good luck with that Dr. B.)!
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