And for those of you that swing the other way, I've included this other picture from my "Chair" series.
I spent some time up at the lab last night. Students were working on their projects and I stopped in to help a little... plus I wanted to show off Fang's new haircut.
I also visited the neighbor's across the street from me. I gave them an image (not this one!) of my work. I felt I owed them a print for taking the snow blower to my driveway when it was snowing like a mo-fo. It was a nice chat.
Be careful. Your neighbor is trying to convert you with kindness.
i won't be around long enough for them to accomplish the task.
First Julian, now this! Looks like you are fitting in in rural Utah!
I remember when I very first moved to Utah that I wanted to do a project of naked Mormon girls. Never happened, never will.
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