Okay, one more. So, after I shot Mary Ellen Mark (see yesterday), one of my friends comes around the corner and says that Arnold Newman is eating his lunch & maybe I should ask him to sit in the chair. It sounded like a good idea so I went to ask him. I catch up to him and ask how his lunch was and he says he didn't like it (it was pork & he's Jewish). I ask to make a portrait of him and some MPW lady tells me he's too busy. After a pause though she say's he's got a few moments while she runs an errand. So he let's me make a portrait of him. He was extremely nice and told me some funny stories. I was able to make three images with my Lubitel before the woman returned to sweep him off to his next engagement. I sent him and image back up to his studio in NYC and he sent a thank-you letter back. It said, "Thank you for an interesting portrait." [Italics mine].

I'm off to meet my nutritionist now.
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I think his word choice of 'interesting' says more how he feels about himself than about the picture or the photographer.
Hadn't he heard about the Channukah Ham? It was all the rage in NYC last December.
natalie? is that you?
It's Slade. I logged in under my kid's acct
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