Well, I'm not sure whether the students liked the way the critique was done last night, but I sure thought it went well. It seemed to me that most of the students were actively engaged with the work and that some fine conversations were taking place. I kind of wanted to point out to them that a critique doesn't have to be a boring affair where someone works their way down the line finding every flaw. For me, it was a nice way to go out with a bunch of kids I am very happy to have called my students!
I getting ready to meet with some of the seniors for their "graduation lunch". We're going to have Thai food. Yummers!
After that, I'll go grade the basic students' final projects and get their grades posted. Then I'm off to Adams Elementary to watch Tricia finish er after school class by doing a cyanotype mural. I hope the weather holds. Right now it's partially cloudy (which will work) but it's supposed to start snowing! And that won't do at all.
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