Today I am going to a basketball camp to learn how to officiate using three-man mechanics. Utah, as in most things, is way behind in using these mechanics. In every other state, three-man mechanics are the norm for all levels of play. Utah is just beginning to incorporate the system into 5-A and 4-A Boys. The camp won't get me more games next season, nor will I be working three-man next season. Still, I want to learn the mechanics so when the day comes I'll know what I'm doing.
Rusty doesn't think we should carpool because we might get assigned to different gyms. "So what," say Dave and I. Gas is $4/gallon, certainly something can be worked out.
I made this image with my Rollei on a trip to Maine a few years back. I think it's the
Mariners. It is certainly how they are playing!
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