
a new photograph every posting... and an inside line to my dreary life

Monday, March 31, 2008

Well, it snowed again last night. Damn it, snow! Go away.

But Spring has official sprung... baseball started today. I'm listening to the Mariners right now.

When I went to bed last night, there was a guy talking on the radio (I like to sleep with the radio on) about how if you're out of work, you're in trouble. If you have a mortgage, you're really in trouble. If you don't have a year's worth of wages saved up, you're really, really in trouble. I guess I am really, really, really in trouble. I couldn't sleep thinking about the future and ended up just getting up at 3:30 in the morning. Life is Grand!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

One more... for laughs & giggles!

Now playing: Hugo Montenegro - Theme from the Magnificent Seven
via FoxyTunes

So this guy comes into the Photo lab a couple of weeks ago with some old negatives he wanted printed. Today I got around to it... but it cost me. It seems that when I relocated/upgraded my stuff my scanner software somehow became obsolete. so I had to upgrade that today. It was worth it though. Now I've got the guy's stuff finished and I'm having a blast working on some old stuff of mine too!

Now playing: Tom Waits - I Never Talk To Strangers
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Had a review for Photo History yesterday. I'm sure the students will do well. Quite a few of them were at the Spiral Jetty with C & Slade. Hopefully, they were learning some practically applications that makes shooting a towel for eight weeks worth it.

I got kiddie ball tonight and I'm picking up my truck today. It has passed inspection and is ready to be tagged in Utah. Goodie.

Now playing: Utah Public Radio
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Now playing: Wayne Hancock - Walkin' The Dog
via FoxyTunes

Friday, March 21, 2008

Okay, today we got kiddie ball again.

The Datsun nearly passed inspection... there are no high-beams! There must be something wrong with the switch. It should be an easy enough fix.

I was going to go out to the Spiral Jetty tomorrow but the person I was going to go with has the flu. So we'll wait. Now we can find out from the Photo II students if it is underwater, or not.

Now playing: Jesus Christ Superstar - Judas' Song
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good Morning.

Yesterday, I met with C. & RT to select "winners" for scholarships from RT's scholarship fund. It was very rewarding to see the work of all who applied and divide the money amongst the Photographers. We gave $1200 to two individuals and $900 to four of the students. The students who applied but didn't receive an award were turned down for low G.P.A.'s more than for the quality of their work. Seven of the nine recipients were from my students and of those three were students I recruited to the Photography program, which was rewarding for me.

A couple of days ago I visited the photography programs at Logan High & Mountain Crest High School to show my work, talk about Photography, and invite students to consider USU as an option for their post-secondary education. I was particularly impressed with the kids at LHS. They were engaged, asked pertinent questions and were able to respond to my work in a positive manner. They are taught by RR, who was a student at USU when I first started my Graduate Studies.

Last night I refereed kiddie ball in Smithfield. They have this ridiculous system about how we're to sign up for games. After I had worked my games, I went to sign up for next week. As I was getting ready to scribble down my ( and a fellow official's) name, this punk kid took the schedule away saying he'd be right back. What he did was take the sheet to some of his buddies working other games & let them fill up the slots they wanted. I was pissed---I still am! I told the kid that was bullshit and he wanted to kick me out of the rec center for swearing. I said I wasn't leaving and he threatened to call the cops and I told to go ahead and call them. After a half an hour (and telling my friend the story) I went home... without being tazed, bro.

Now playing: KCRW World News
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Whew! What an adventure!

So me & Fang make the flight into Portland with no troubles. Met Mark N. at the airport and we went to Milo's for breakfast. Then he dropped me at Jen & Aaron's house where Jen was awaiting. We went to Paradise Thai for dinner that evening.

The next day I picked up the truck... I like it but there are things wrong with it that wasn't in the description on ebay. After barely making it home I called the seller to see if he'll give me some money back... if he doesn't, well that's his bad karma.

Driving a 1969 rig with 1300cc's of power is exciting! It also adds a bit of time to the trip! It was slow (and slushy) going up Cabbage Patch Pass but the rig performed nicely. The truck, however, doesn't have the correct oil filler cap on it and the engine sprayed oil all over the engine compartment. But, hey, I made it.

I also drove it up to Renton and got five enlargers that I'm selling to the college. I got them from the Sitka Fine Arts Camp. The equipment was too good for junior high kids. They're perfect for the advanced darkroom at USU.

Now playing: Violent Femmes - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Tomorrow at this time I'll be in Stumptown. Yea! I'm ready to get the f%*& out of Dodge!

I'm so incredibly disappointed in how the way things went down for the job search I can't express it in words deemed civil. I will say this: my relationship with C. is over.

Now playing: Beastie Boys - Son Of Neckbone
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Jon, you'll be happy to know that I didn't even merit an interview.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Sunday I am flying back to Portland to pick up a 1969 Datsun pick-up. It's a couple of years newer than the one I had back in my college days at Wazzu. I wonder if I bought it because I remember the good ol' days, picking Karen up after class in my old one. At any rate, I plan on paying for it on Monday and driving it back to Utah on Wednesday. It's only got a 1300 cc motor, so it'll be slow going. But the gas mileage should be good.

I'm planning on visiting friends and making some images while in Portland. Plus a trip to Le Happy will be in order!

I'll probably donate the Bronco II to the local high school for its auto shop class to futz with for a while.

Now playing: Kate Bush - Somewhere in Between
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Went out for a nice soak at Maple Grove Hot Springs tonight. It was delightful, to say the least. The stars were outand the temperature was 108 degrees. Heaven. I'm always joking with my friends that the font water better be at least 108 degrees or I won't let them baptize me. Now I'm home eating cottage cheese and clemintines... and drinking lots & lots of water.

Now playing: Joe "Fingers" Carr/80 Drums Around the World - Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
via FoxyTunes