Greetings Citizens. This morning in my email box I found a message from the mother of one of my students wondering why her child had received such a low grade. (He is a high school student taking college courses and received a D in my class). I told her the reasons why and that I had suggested to him that withdrawing might have been a reasonable option since he had missed a week and a half of school because of illness. Within a half hour I received another message... this time from the father, saying he had spoken to the Dean of Visual Arts (my boss) and they were going to challenge the grade and how could his son have received a D. And did I know that having given him this grade, that I had jeopardized his son's future academic career. Within five minutes of receiving the message I got a call from the Dean. I told him I had answered the mom's message but not the dad's since his was more hostile. The Dean informed me that I wasn't to give information to the parents because the student is over eighteen and is the only one who can ask about grades and other personal information. (I think it is important to add here that the student has been conspicuously absent from all that has been happening). The Dean then asked if I was comfortable with the grade... if my grade book was in order. I said it was. The Dean called back later to say that the parents had contacted the Dean of Academic Services and a challenge was being issued in regard to the grade and would I be comfortable meeting the parents to address the challenge. I told him I felt like I was being ganged up on by people with no direct responsibility in the matter. He agreed and asked if I would be willing to do it anyway. I said I was... I have no problem with the grade I gave him. In fact, I thought a D was a generous grade. I asked if there would be anyone in the department to back me up since I was making concessions to the family. The Dean said that the department head would be there for me. So now I wait to see what happens next.
I will be extremely disappointed if this student (or should I say his parents) ends up wrecking my teaching at PCC before it even has a chance to get started. I pride myself on being extremely fair and honest with my students. And quite honestly, I 'd venture to bet that the student knows that the grade he received was appropriate for the quality and amount of work he did. This totally blows! I am so nervous about what is going to happen next, I can't think of anything else. I went with a friend to the Sonic vs Blazers game tonight and I could hardly relax enough to enjoy the Sonics victory. Now I am stuck here at home thinking the worst will happen.
aahh hence the deep blue image, which infact I quite like... don't fret lil soldier, ironic how this student hasn't been involved in this grade issue, only the parents. Stand up for your issued grade and if Deano wants to overrule, then so be it. I would venture a guess they too will have your back. Go Sonics.
lil soldier?!
i'm hoping the 'deano' has my back. i know my grade was fair. i can't believe the student hasn't told the folks it's an accurate grade.
jeeez. has to send his family in to do the dirty work, eh?
isn't it crazy! from what i can tell the student has signed a waiver so that he doesn't have to be responsible for any of this.... it's all in his parents' hands.but, i'm confident in the grade and stand behind it. hope your day was better.
Stand by it all the way. If he wants to run with the (relativly) big dogs in college, he has to be subject to the same standards. No one else got a break.. If he is a HS student taking a college course, he is probably something of an overachiever 4.0 type, and the thought of getting a D kills him. Tough life lesson, but a good one to learn.
you're right james, no one else got a break. and in the end, i hope the kid learns from the experience. i'll tell you what, i'm not going to enjoy giving his work the brutal critique he's got coming but he (and his parents) have it coming. it ain't going to be pretty.
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