Greetings Citizens. O! Sweet ecstasy! What a great evening I had tonight. I met Leah at her home at 7:30. I gave her long overdue house warming gift... an image that goes well with the color of her walls. The great thing was that I had promised the image long ago but she still held the space for my work. Flattery of flatteries! Then we were off in the ol' 356B to Le Happy for crepes and laughs. I haven't had such a wonderful evening with a person of the opposite persuasion for so long I can't even remember the last time. The service is slow and the room is lit by candles and a disco ball. Ideal for soft and light conversation. We talked about everything from her kids to urban anthropology. Everything ended well... no stress or strain and I'm looking forward to our next encounter.
The kids did a good job today too! Most were there and were working hard. Some of them are coming into their own just at the right time. I love that... when the lightbulb clicks for them and there work has purpose and is pleasing to the eye. Especially when they see it too!
Oh Icarus, since you like the blue stuff, I thought I'd dig into the well and pull up this image especially for you. Enjoy.
is that at the spiral jetty a few years ago?
it's around the corner from where the spiral jetty is. it's an old wagon wheel that the boats used to tie up to over by where the piling are at.
i recognize it. i guess i just label the whole enitre area "the jetty" for some reason, when realy it is only such a small portion.
rock on, jetty warrior, rock on
One of my favorites of yours.
Thanks for posting it.
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