Greetings Citizens. I am happy to report that there were none.... Zero!... melt-downs in class today! O! Sweet Happiness! Everyone was in good spirits and Natalie brought the makings for hot fudge sundies for treats. She might be flunking the class but she brought the best treats this quarter. She just edged out Jessalyn and her ham sandwiches. On another note, the kids really seem to be putting together some excellent projects. They also got to evaluate me today. I had some of the kids tell me they enjoyed the class to my face! All-in-all a good day at Camp Camera.
When I got home I grilled a couple of burgers and watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
word up man ray. is that a fork about to stab a fresh, juicey, and recently removed kidney?
that's so hot.
i have a shiny nose, much like Rudolph, tho it is regrettably not red.
if it were red, i would run away and join the circus. since it isn't red, i use Covergirl "Ivory Buff" powder for that "No More Shine!" look.
ummmm.... it's not a kidney. at least i don't think it is. but if you want it to be, dear shasta, then it's a kidney. would you like some A1 or Heinz 57 with it?
icarus, the not-red-nosed human... doesn't quite have the same ring to it. ivory buff, eh? maybe i need to get some of that to tone down my nose and forehead.
Ok, so you can finally add me to the list.
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