I've been invited by the Pinhole Resource to contribute some images to an international pinhole gallery. I'd be a fool not to submit. They're looking for 10 images from 30-40 prominent pinhole photographers. This will be one of them. So nine more to find.
School was okay today. One of my kids, who hasn't been around for a couple of weeks, was back. I asked why she hadn't been around and her response was, "I was someplace I couldn't leave." Sounds like jail to me. Hmmmm. She was trying to get caught up but I don't think she can make it. Well, she probably can get everything done but getting a good grade too might be a problem.
I should have called Mark N. after class but I spaced out. Instead, I rode home before it got too cold out. When I got home I made supper and watched Minnesota defeat the Packers on MNF.
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