Greeting Citizens. Going by the number of comments I have been receiving, I assume you have all abandoned me and have moved to Canada.
Tomorrow I am taking the train to Seattle. I'm going up to watch the Apple Cup with some friends. I am also heading up to get my car. It has been in pieces since 1987 but is now put back together... all shiny and new. I'm so happy I could fart quarters.
Sunday, I'm meeting Sabrina. She's a damned good photographer... a product of the Maine Photographic Workshops. Were going to get together for a photo safari and catch up on the state of affairs.
Next posting: Monday
feel free to fart quarters over here cause my laundry is overdue
went to fart you a $1 or two and shit my pants instead! harsh!
they've all gone to Canada? my invitation must've gotten lost in the mail! anywho, i'm still here kickin around but being withdrawn and stubborn, as is usual for me. :)
i like your creepy gnome thing.
this picture scares me. i wish i could fart quarters right now. damn.
this image is froma parade float in slc. it's lady liberty.she does look kinda creepy and scary, doesn't she?
it looks like a plastic garden defender.
so creepy, no one dares tiptoe through your precious tulips! :P
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