Greetings Citizens. So I was mildly flattered by some of my students today. One of the kids went to find out if she could get credit for taking my class again next term. The answer was yes but she couldn't get credit for an intermediate class. So what does she do? She goes and has the other students sign a petition to have one of my classes into an intermediate class. Pretty cool. So Jim H. says okay after ten students signed on. They don't have to sign up for the class, it just shows that they think I'd do a good job at teaching the next level up. My hat size grew a bit. So there were only ten students in class today. I was a little nervous about that so when Jen H. showed up to made some copy slides I asked her about that and she said she wasn't surprised. I guess it's not uncommon for the kids to fall by the wayside. In that regard, community colleges are different from four-year schools. I guess the community college kids are more likely to bail out when the times are tough for them instead of sticking it out. It's too bad. I had a couple of good ones that just didn't have the discipline, I guess.
sorry to abandon you and your flying tofu cubes for a day. I was away.
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