Good Evening. Today I received word that the Work-Study Program at the MPW had its final show. The word was it "sucked big-time". That made me feel both good and bad. Good because I was passed over for the job for two women who don't know the first thing about teaching. And bad because it hurts the program, the MPW and most importantly of all, the young photographers that invested their time and effort to learn the art of photography and didn't. That is the saddest thing I see going on in Photography. A failure of teachers to stress the important things of the art: craft and the need to show the world through your own particular vision. Too often I see student work that mimics the "teacher's" work. And no attention at all spent on giving the skills necessary to impart their vision on an audience that is compelling. How often have I seen students asked to perform silly tasks or tutorials instead of helping the student present to us ( the viewing public) images that make us want to look... and know? It's a crying shame and I think many students are put at a loss because of it. That's not to say that there aren't many fine teachers out there because there certainly are. (I have had the distinct pleasure of studying under a couple of them). But the fact remains that there are many more out there that don't give a shit about their student's ideas or visions but instead are more concerned with tenure and summers off.
I turned in my application today for digital photo imaging technician today. There was a guy on break sitting in the room where I returned the application. I asked when I could expect to hear back. He said a couple of weeks. Which leads me to believe that the company is in the business of making school pictures. Yikes! Still a job is a job is a job, I suppose.
I cooked up the beans Boyd gave to me on Tuesday. I cooked a few strips of bacon until crispy, removed all but 2 tablespoons of the fat, tossed the beans in (along with some crushed garlic) for a few minutes, added some chicken broth and simmered it until the broth was gone. I tossed the crumbled bacon on top and gobbled it up along with a French dip sandwich.
Yum. Bacon.
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