Good Evening Citizens, Ah another good day in my precious city. I met Kyle today after he finished his part-time job. We went to Independence for fresh peach milkshakes. We chatted about his drawings. He likes to make anime drawings and I'd like to see him push himself towards some more insightful work. I am trying to decide if a book like Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain would be beneficial to him or not. He is, after all, only seventeen. (I think the only thing I "read" when I was that age was Playboy). As a mentor, I think I should encourage him to not only draw but to draw with some sort of conviction... try and add some content and meaning to what he is creating.
After I dropped him off at home, I had to attend the first high school football meeting of the year. Yawn! But something good came out of it. Boyd had some freshly picked green bean and some squash for me to take home. So, I'll have some lovely vegetables to munch on tomorrow. I'll have to pull out the Jim Beard cookbook for some suggestions. I really want to get my hands on Betty Crocker's Picture Cookbook (the 1950's classic) but they're hard to find.
Then I chatted with Jon for awhile. I was saddened to hear that he didn't get the Everett CC job. It's too bad. He would have done well there, I think. He's becoming a little disillusioned (like me) but I think something will come his way. He knows all the new trendy stuff so it's only a matter of time for him. Me, on the other hand, well, that's a different story all together. I'm pretty much a dinosaur... I chose to learn the old (Brenton & Craig would call them "noble") processes. No harm in that except most administrators have it in their minds that digital is the only option anymore. They're dead wrong, of course. But you can't tell them that.
Also, I was able to talk with Sabrina on the phone tonight. Hi, Sabrina! She's got the blog address now. She was a Work Study student at the MPW with yours truly. Both of us picked up enough cigarette butts to last a lifetime. She's up in the Emerald City trying to make a go of it as a photographer. Makes good work but the competition is fierce. And so it goes.
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