Today I joined Hubba and Dave for the Aggie vs Aggie game. We lost to a team which hadn't beaten a Division I opponent in over two seasons. That's how good we are. After the game we watched the end of the BYU vs Utes game on the tele before heading over to Wingers for, what else?, wings. One of my students was working there and she took good care of us.
Tomorrow I'd like to make a few more Platinum/Palladium prints and get some ready to add gum over the top. There's another one up there that I am going to put a layer of diluted cyanotype chemistry over the top of too.
I dont know what your talking about, I had a horrible time, and every image is amazing.....okay, thats B.S., but you figure out which part.
We got it HANDED to us in that game on Saturday...wow, the Aggies of Utah State are 'Horrible' (that was in spanish, it was so bad!)
Stupid Van Dykes....I'll punch that Dyke in the face if I ever meet him.
there, there. you didn't expect it to be all sunshine and lollipops did you? your images are fine & you'll figure out the van dykes easily enough. be persistent, that's where you're a viking! unlike our beloved aggies.
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