Some of my advanced kids are worried about their grades. Absences & a lack of trying are the culprits though they try to blame me. Students with eight recorded absences feel it is me who is being unrealistic. Well, they got their chance to voice their opinion yesterday because we filled out evaluations after our critic of the platinum/palladium work. They did some very nice stuff. One thing that makes me happier than all get-out is that I have somehow succeeded in getting the kids to realize the importance of making work that drives them to excel and to find their own vision. Of course not every student has jumped on the bandwagon but the ones who have appear to be pretty happy with what they are making and are happy to be putting in the time to make it look good.
The teaching of the work ethic is something I have been working hard to impress on my students. Some get it...some don't. It's nice to see the ones that it sinks in with. It's kind of like kicking in the turbo and they leave the others behind.
I'm surprized you had your teacher evaluations so early in the semester. Interesting.
Keep that belt handy, you don't want your loose pants to suddenly fall down!
i tried the food diary thing once. it was alarming.
it was alarming! now, after four weeks, i'm beginning to get used to smaller portions & less carbs. i've lost some weight and that provides incentive to keep moving forward.
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