Greetings Citizens. Today I did the unthinkable. I told an advanced student her work was s*. I feel horrible for it. She was making excuses as to why she wasn't turning in quality work and my terrible words slipped out before I could stop myself. The quality of her work has been lacking, that's for sure, but her imagery and seeing are fine. In reality, I think she has quite a bit of talent but she just doesn't apply herself as much as she should. But that is no excuse for me. When I was a young and ambitious lad, I wanted to be a photographer. There was a class at The Evergreen State College that I wanted to take. You had to show your work to get in. Well, I had some color images that were processed at the Photo-Mat and placed in magnetic photo albums plus a photo of Ian Anderson at a Jethro Tull concert. The guy looked at my work for 5 minutes and told me it, "was a pile of s&*$"! Well, I cried all the way back to my dorm room and didn't show anyone another image for years. I still find it hard to show people my work (especially gallery owners). Later, when I knew I wanted to teach Photography, I swore to myself that I'd never say such words to one of my students. And now I've done it and I can't forgive myself.
Mark, Mark, Mark...'tis a difficult spot you've landed yourself in for sure.
I think that this blog post might be better served as the catalyst for a face-to-face conversation with your student.
Good luck with that conversation. It'll be a tough one.
I'm filing this away in my 'Things not to do as an instructor' section.
i've since talked to her... profusely apologized is more like it. she's forgiven but i'll bet she hasn't forgotten.
you will be well served to learn from this my friend. (as i have learned).
She did deserve it; the message, but perhaps not the phrasing.
Maybe it will shake her up enough to get in gear.
well, i hope it does shake her up and she gets some work done. still, that doesn't get me off the hook.
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