Greetings Citizens. Today is the 99th Apple Cup in-state rivalry between my beloved Washington State University Cougars and the vile & pompous dawgs from the University of Washington. We're playing for a bowl game, they aren't. And as good fortune would have it, the game is going to be televised on Fox Sports so I'll be able to watch it. I've got my WSU paraphernalia all laid out and ready to go.
I'm helping Marcia make some space in her apartment by taking a couch that her daughter Amy is giving her. I don't have much space in my apartment but I needed another piece of furniture to sit on. When guests come over now they get the "good chair" and I sit on a wooden one. After today, there will be a soft spot for everyone.
I'm helping Hubba load a few bales of hay for his goat later today. Then we'll watch #1 vs #2 on the TV. I think Ohio will win but Michigan is no slouch.
Go Cougs!
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