Greetings Citizens. Today is grading day! Fun times are a comin'. My Jeckle & Hyde classes are over and I am relieved. The afternoon kids had some terrific work! I think they may have become my "favorite class ever". As a group, they were always in class and always working. Perhaps that's why there work was so damned good. Anyway, I was very impressed by the quality of their work. There was one student whose work makes me suspicious. This student rarely came to class.... always had the cheezy excuses. Anyway, they came in yesterday with this well printed portfolio that was about 100 times better than anything they had shown me previously. I really don't think they made the prints. I was tempted to have the student make one in front of me but I won't do that. I talked to Jen and she told me about a similar situation she had in the past. She asked John N (her major professor) and he said to let it ride. He said there will always be people who will cheat themselves through life and there isn't much you can do about. So I'll grade the work as normal. The morning kids produced some good work too. Only half of them showed up but they represented themselves well.
Okay, I'm off to do my grading. Tomorrow I'm going to Seattle for a few days.
seattle? i'm jealous. yeah.
the bluest skies you've ever seen are in seattle/and the hills the greenest green in seattle
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