Greetings Citizens. Well, I guess I have the questions answered for my job application. Tomorrow i will get up early and proofread it again before I head into school. I told some of the students from mine and Smith's class that I'd be there tomorrow so they could finish up their work. I'll do another proofreading then too. After the 2 PM critique of the advanced students, I'll race home and get the paper sent out before the 5 PM deadline. I'm taking it down to the wire! But I'm a winner; I'm a driver. And I am hellbent and determined to get this job. Otherwise I'll become a sales clerk at a porn shop.
sweet, then i can get a nice discount on my smut!
big m
yeah...you should specialize in victorian porn.... or "the lost girls" by what's his face Moore.....
cheap porn is good porn; victorian porn is the best porn
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