Greetings Citizens. Very little to report today. My class at PCC was cancelled due to weather. (Though the snow and ice had been replaced by rain). And since the campus was closed, I heard nothing from the Dean concerning the student who wishes to challenge his grade. I suppose I'll be hearing something tomorrow. But with the holiday so close, I don't see any action taking place until the new year. I mean, I've got something to do on Wednesday and Thursday I am leaving town to spend time at home for Christmas. My non-credit class begins the first week in January and PCC starts the following week. I need to prepare a new syllabus for my intermediate students and add some minor changes to the basic class syllabus. I'll be ready for the grade challenge in February. I'm certain it will happen before then though.
I went and got my great-nephew a present today. He's two and easy to please... thank God. Everybody else is getting a rock.
that looks like a young maiden with an ostrich head for a hand trying to offer a token of piece to a fierce cactus.
oh the joy of the ink blot tests...
i see a bird but no maiden
i like rocks
good! then you'll like your present. i used to give my pics away... but i've never seen one of them up..... so no more pics. it's rocks from here on out.
i'll send a pic as soon as one becomes availible. i'm supposed to make some for the insurance company but the weather has been too crappy to take the car out.
i need to hit that place for a spare wheel. the old man retired and they sold a lot of their stock. but they still have the campout. the guy who works on my BMW motorcycle knows him.
dreary weather, dreary life... not much difference.
so the westfalia is still running. have you seen a fully decked-out eurovan yet. gawd, i want one!
i currently have 3 mr. dungan prints up... one is in my bathroom for inspiration
sweet! you won't be getting a rock for Christmas, little boy.
I went through a phase right after I left a lousy commercial job where I thought that I would never sell a photograph - and that I would ONLY give them away, or take money for cost. Something about the way commercial seemed to buy your soul smacked of prostitution at the time. I got past that, (you gotta make a livin') but the idea of giving work to someone who may not appreciate it still pains me.
james, do what i've learned to do.... give 'em a rock.
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