Greeting Citizens. Sometimes I wonder where students think they don't have to do any work and still get a good grade. High school maybe? And why do they think is appropriate to beg for later and later due dates. Do they do that in their math class. Maybe it has more to do with the student population that community colleges serve. I am hearing from my students that they work full-time, are single parent moms, and are taking 18 credit hours. So what. That's a choice you made,not me. I chose to take out student loans so that I could apply myself to my studies. As it stands I will pay $325 a month until I am 70 years old. And you know what? I have absolutely no problem with that. And I can honestly say this: I never bitch about having to make that payment. Now if you chose another direction that's fine. But stop whining to me about how hard it is. Quit the job, get a loan or quit school but stop your belly-aching.
damn! is right!
dang heck
dang heck, indeed! i am worried that this class will replace my worst class ever as my worst class ever.
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