Greeting Citizens. Today, I think, was the first day that I've felt let down by this group of students. I can only hope it will be the last. Nearly half the class decided not to show up today for open lab. We have an assignment due on Wednesday and they missed two demonstrations and a test review. Won't the little dears be surprised to find out that there is a test on Wednesday. Of course I'll offer a make-up exam a little further down the road but they don't need to know that just yet. And after the test review and demos what did some of my kiddies think was appropriate behavior? Well, they got up and left. I fear that too many of the little dears think they are still in high school. Well they are in for a rude awakening indeed. Excuses aren't necessary, nor is the need to say, "I'm sorry." Pathetic, really, when you consider the amount of time and money needed to pay for an education. But I was young and foolish once myself. They'll have their opportunities to redeem themselves. It all rest in their hands.
The ride home was terrific. I got behind some fast vehicles and we flew home. Normally I'm not one for weaving in and out of traffic on my bike but today the mood and the night was right.
You're doing great if this is the first time you've been let down by students. I come to expect it. I'm sort of kidding, I know exactly how you feel though. Keep it up.
it isn't the first time... individuals are always causing havoc of one sort or another. no, what disappointed me this time was the number of people who bailed on the same day. now i'll get to hear them whine that they weren't given enough notice, blah, blah, blah. i DO get tired of busting my hump and being "thanked" like this but i guess it is an occupational hazard.
nice to know that you are able to post a comment every once-in-a-while.
Oh yeah, I can post. I just don't do it often enough. I check your blog every day though.
Hey Mark. Thanks for the tip. I'll have to let Jon know, if he doesn't already. I'm pretty excited for the conference.
Anyways, that's kind of a...new insight ot the teacher's point of view of student's skipping class. I always tried to be to class when it was scheduled, but I had my fair share of sluff days.
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