Greetings Citizens. Today I had to tell Kyle I was no longer going to be his mentor. I thought it would be an easy thing to do. He's been taking advantage of the relationship. Not putting much out in the ways of trust and honesty but enjoying the benefits of an escape from his homelife and a meal on the town. But it wasn't easy at all. In fact I feel very badly as though I've let him down. And perhaps I have. Maybe if I'd have tried harder... or been more cleaver I could have reached him. Instead, tonight there are two more sad people in the world. And I'm the cause of it.
I called a friend tonight because I was feeling empty and lonely. Hearing her voice made things bright for awhile but then I said something stupid and I got a casual "let's just be friends" response. It wasn't exactly what she said but the message was loud and clear. I feel the fool... a fool to ask someone as bright and sincere as she is to consider being around the likes of me.
I watched the second part of Mystery! tonight. The murder was solved and the protagonist got the girl. I should be so lucky. Instead I was "X"'ed out.
your images feels as sad as you seem today.
yes, i'm afraid there has always been a little too much self-centered sadness in my life.
Shatsa!? Huh.
Anyway, have you ever been to Prattville, Alabama? Might want to check it out sometime.
Er, Shasta
i've never been to prattville. but i want to go to the south and document 'jesus signs'.
jesus signs? they make those?
well, pinholeman, i'm reading your sadness.
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