Greetings Citizens. All is well on the homefront. Meg stopped by my digi-class to hand out evaluations. I don't know how they responded yet but I think I'll survive to teach another day. We're working out a way to break the projects down from very basic to moderately advanced so that we can get like-minded individuals working together. As it stands now, it is all a big mess... the proverbial potluck. Some students no a lot and some no nothing but they're all grouped together. It's difficult to teach them because they are all over the place!
My game today was easy money. I threw one flag.
eko-bezeko. :)
woman, i find your language strange and impenetrable!
there is nothing, but that it cannot be penetrated...
Nice image Mark. One of my favorites yet. I've ended up making quite a few photographs that look a lot like this grafiti stuff of yours at these construction sites. sorry i won't be seeing you at SPE this year. I was looking forward to your critiques.
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