Greetings Citizens. Today I introduced my basic students to the Zone System. I'm not going to teach them the hard-core Ansel Adams version. But my thinking is that if you want to understand how black & white photography works, you need to be familiar with the Zone System. So we went from looking at their first photos (all made metering at Zone V) to a lecture on moving from one zone to another. And, more importantly, understanding the importance of getting the low end values recorded in order to make a fine print. Needless to say, there was more than one glassy-eyed student when class ended. But they
always look like that initially. On Wednesday, we'll be doing an exposure index test and things should start to fall into place for most of them. Lots of people have told me I am crazy for giving basic students this sort of work to understand. I say, "Balderdash!" There's no time like the present. Of course the same nay-sayers are always amazed at the quality of work my students produce. Coincidence? Hardly.
After class I met Mark N. for a hamburger and Monday Night Football at the
Mission Theater. I'd say we had a good time. I enjoy listening to travel adventures. He works for an airline and gets to travel around a bit. He may be going to China. I told him to bring me home some bird flu. While we were there, I went to get him a Porter and myself a pop. I asked to sample to swanky root beer and the guy poured a short glass which I chugged down. But it wasn't root beer! It was the Porter. The first taste of a beer I've had in eight years! I figured what-the-f*&# and had 10 more. JK! (It
did taste good though).
After the game I raced home to share all this important information with
you! my gentle readers.
congrats on zee beer. lol.
ahhh sweet zone system, how i love to graph thee by means of towels and densitometers
i hat k. reeves
yes, shasta, the beer was good.... made me want to drink a thousand and forget about life. but i continue to refrain from such activities.
we don't shoot towels. we were black shirts (like true artists) and hold a grey card and white index card with the ISO printed on it. simple & effective.
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