Greetings Citizens. One of the things I like best about Fall (besides football, silly) is apple cider. I've always found fresh cider to be a part of the season. Whether it was in Maine, Washington... even Utah... the cider was there to be had. In Oregon, it's Daum's Farm. They started cranking out the cider last week. Yummy! And the best part is that it will go until Christmas this season. The lady at the counter says the best tasting cider will come at Thanksgiving time. She added that the cider taste different with each batch depending on the types of apples, the amount of green ones, etc., etc.. All I know is that it sure taste good!
I had my second session of teaching digital to the "older generation". It wasn't pretty. Beside the confusion of going from a Mac to a PC, there is the added difficulty of using Adobe Elements instead of Photoshop. They're not quite the same but close enough to lead me into a false sense of security. Luckily, I got a how-to book that is helping. But still.... The biggest problem though, is that my students don't have much computer savvy (Mac or otherwise)! They fumble with the cursor and can't figure out how to move the mouse. I was actually kind of shocked. By the end of the evening they all looked pretty lost. I guess I need to take a different tack during the next session. I hope I didn't discourage them too much. I sure thought I was giving simple enough instruction. Maybe not.
Tomorrow I got the young 'uns. They're a little more resilient.
fresh cider sounds good right now....
fermented cider? never tried it...
tyson likes your pics.
thanks tyson
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