Greetings Citizens. Marky is tired, so the posting will be short and sweet. I now have nineteen students in my black & white class. Some students bailed out because of their workload (including the person who brought treats today). The class is manageable and I think they all will do okay. We began crunching numbers today. They all sort of left with the deer-in-the-headlights look which doesn't surprise me. (Marci, if you're lurking, you can attest to what that look feels like)! But I think they are all bright enough to figure it out eventually. I had the students look at and respond in writing to a slide today. It was a Jacob Riis image. They wrote all these silly sentences without saying a word! That was a disappointment. But no fear. It provides me another teaching moment, I suppose. I want them to get used to the notion that they have something important to say when they respond to an image. I think if this idea works out I may get more lively discussions during critiques. We'll see.
marky marky marky, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE TODAY'S IMAGE. mmmm...tastey.
your adoration of my work pleases me, shasta. it's funny because i just threw that one up there thinking no-one would particularly care for it. it never ceases to amaze me which images certain people like or don't like. you know what i mean, too. the images you make and like people don't like while one you think is ho-hum other people love.
Hmm...I probably should comment more than I do, Mark. But I really enjoy coming to your blog every day to find another new image up. I get a lot of inspiration and motivation from them, and the fact that you keep a daily blog. Keep up the good work, and I hope your classes are going well.
andy, feel free to practice your critique skills on me. You'll soon be doing plenty of that (formally and informally) at Utah State.
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