Greetings Citizens. I'm back here after a short journey to another site. It seems there are problems everywhere. Here is the best place for me to post.
As some of you know, I went up to the Emerald City this weekend to watch my beloved Cougars kick the crap out of Grambling. However, their band delivered a big wallop to our band. They were very entertaining. And for as bad as the football team was the band more than compensated for it. There were a dozen of us... most of us were at Ol' Wazzu at the same time. We used to get together every Friday at our usual table and get blotto. Ah, those were the days. Now we're a little older and can't hold our water quite as well as we used to.
On Sunday, I saw my best friend from high school. We watched the Seahawks game and he told me fish stories from his trip up to Alaska this year. Ron caught an 80 pound King salmon. The thing was a monster! It took him an hour to land it.
Today I rode Heidi home. We stayed on the freeway because we needed to make hay. Got home in time to shit, shower & shave before heading off for a jv football game. It was a good game: 28-20 Scio defeating Santiam.
Also this morning I got to see my 1960 Porsche 356B Coupe.What a sweet machine. It should be ready in a couple of weeks. It isn't quite stock but it's pretty close. Right now I just want to drive it! The tabs on the old plates expired in 1982! That's a long time to be in pieces.
looks like an a-bomb....
looks like a "T" bomb to moi
word up! the other site wasn't user friendly hopefully you can work the kinks out and continue on this one...
I didn't even know you still had that old Porsche. Where have you been keeping it?
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