That being said, I have little to say. The president is an idiot who has made a mockery of his own Homeland Security, strumming a guitar as the many suffering people of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama struggle to survive. We can set up fresh water across the ocean overnight but here it takes days. And we'd rather shoot at those trying to help than help ourselves. This is a fucked up world. And to paraphrase a representitive of Louisiana God is pissed off and disappointed in us all.
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ah had air force one flah over so thaht ah could wittness firsthand the destruction. dramatic pause. mo-beeeeeel is fluhhded... dramatic pause.... new ahrleans is being eh-vacyuuh-ated.... dramatic pause...
yeah, according to democracy now, the government had been given repeated warnings that the hurricane was coming and where it would hit....
that man disgusts me.
the flooding and looting that "humbled the most powerful nation on the planet," and showed "how quickly the thin veneer of civilization can be stripped away," as The Daily Mail of London put it.
i can think of only one word to discribe what i am seeing on the news: SHAME! Same in our government, Democrates and Republicans alike who have forsaken the people they are elected to protect. Instead they have embraced the ir own self-interests and the pursuit of the almighty dollar. Our politicians are an embarassement to us all.
speaking of injustice and letting down the people they're supposed to protect, lets not forget Bush's newest yes-man, nominated for s.c.j. no less! John Roberts! He's pretty anxious to make sure all the people with funny hats and dark skin down in Guantanamo are guilty until proven innocent by MILITARY TRIBUNAL. The state of this union is the pox!
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