Okay, I'm better today. I spiraled into a bout of depression after failing to get an $8 an hour job. It's over. I didn't really want the fucking job anyway. It had more to do with my ego. I find it hard to believe that there's an $8 an hour job out there that I couldn't do. I'm sure there are plenty of them I wouldn't want to do. But I'm thinking I could do them if I had to. It just set me off. And not in a good way. But I listened to sappy songs and imagined all the ways this cruel, cruel world has mistreated me and went to sleep. I slept in late, had some good coffee and looked at some naughty porn while listening to the Mariner's game. We won. Now I'm right as rain.
I've been talking to friends and reading some essays about Photography. There are many people who are trying to shape the consciousness of those around them with there images. Some want to make a dollar. But most, if not all, seem to do it for the simple reason that they like it. Many photographers find little concern to compare their images against other people's work. They don't worry themselves with how their work is or isn't being noticed by art dealers, newspaper editors or book publishers. What really sticks out in my mind is that most Photographers (that I've been exposed to) are making work that satisfies their interest in a subject. And this fascination drives them to create work that makes sense and is meaningful to them primarily... and not always in a concrete way. Sometimes the ideas are more abstract. In my work and in my teaching that is what I try to drive home as being important. An exploration of a person vision that has a profound impact on the Photographer. If there is a residual effect of expanding the consciousness to others... well then, that's a bonus. I say this: If you are interested in Photography, learn the craft and make images that are important to you. Don't worry about critics, your husband/wife /parents or your teachers (DO remember that teachers, by the way the system works, have to assign a grades though)... just make the work and let the rest of it take care of itself. If you find yourself in Artweek, fine. Working in a studio in NYC, fine. Making baby pictures at Wal-Mart, well, if that's what you want, fine. The point is do it primarily for yourself. I think Art is a selfish pursuit in that you take care of your needs as an Artist first and foremost. All else follows according to factors outside the realm of the work itself.
I was chatting today with Jen H.. she was instrumental in me getting the job at PCC. We have an idea for a two-day workshop that combines Photography and Ceramics. We were discussing the idea... narrowing the objective of what we wish to accomplish. I think that we're going to try and offer the workshop in the Winter Term. What we will propose is a workshop where the participant creates a camera from clay. We can bisque fire it and then Raku it. After that the students will add a pinhole and create pinhole images. Does that sound interesting (and fun) to you, gentle readers? Feel free to add your two cents worth.
Off to do some light reading. I'm in the middle of an article about lesbian art.
I'm glad you're feeling better, and you're absolutely right about art. It must be a selfish endeavor!!!!! Thats what makes it real.
ps. the bunny pic has got to be my FAVORITE so far..
did you ever see GUMMO?
...the bunny seems to be in an urban crib.
glad you like the bunny, shasta. i was going for the 'feel good' image. haven't seen gummo...i've heard mixed reviews. and the the bunny is an urban post-hipster, yo!
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