So I go to get a haircut today. The guy's price is $13, which is about normal here. But all I want is a crew cut. Run the clippers over my head a few times and call it good. So $13 is a bit on the steep side. So I've got two options: dicker with the man or go to the beauty collage for a $4 hack job. I choose dickering. "What's fair," he says. "How about $8." "Get in the chair." I mean the guy knew where I was coming from. And he made $8 in less than 10 minutes. Not a bad deal for him by any stretch of the imagination.
So as I'm getting my buzz cut he asks me what I do... I love that expression "what do you do?" So I tell him I teach photography. He immediately says, "Maybe we can work out a deal. My wife wants to learn photography." So his wife is there and she says "yes" she'd like to learn photography. She says she takes great pictures but she wants more control of the process. I tell her I can probably help her there. (Just don't ask me how to get that great work into a gallery, I'm thinking)! She goes and drags some baby pictures out of her purse to show me. Well not great but not to bad either. So I say I'll take her on for a little one-on-one instruction. "When do we start?" "Right now." "Okay, what do you want me to do?" "Just go shoot a whole roll for me." "Of what?, " she asks with trepidation. "Whatever you like." "I like forests," she informs me. "Whatever you like, " I say again, "then call me." At which point I give her my card and go to pay for the haircut. The guy wouldn't take my money. Looks like I'm trading instruction for haircuts. We'll find out soon enough if I should have went to the beauty college.
Then I went home and waited for a call from Debra. We decided to sit outside at the Thompson Brewery & Public House and have an appetizer. We went for the Hummus Plate. She had beer and I had iced tea. We both had a good time. And to my amazement she said we should get together again soon. (I didn't faint but I got a little light-headed there for a second).
Just pull the ole' Dale Carnagie on Debra, make her feel like she's the funniest, smartest person in the world...build up that ego...and she'll be yours. j/k
when's the next 'date?'
you are a sage shasta marie!
we might be going out on monday. i need to take dancing lessons! scary!
i'm signing up for Zydeco dance lessons! Four for $35.
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