Greetings Citizens. Well my interview at Excel Photo went fairly well, I suppose. I found out that the position is a full-time temporary position that runs into December. I figured perfect... I can make a little side money and if the job totally sucks, I'm off the hook at Christmas. I enjoyed taking the
Ishihara Test for Color Blindness. I got spooked when I couldn't make out a number on one circle. I was relieved to find out that if I had seen something that would have been an indicator of color blindness. So after that test, they wanted me to sit with a guy and tell them what color corrections they had made to an image. (Added blue, took out magenta, opened it up, added contrast, etc.). I thought I did pretty good there too. After that they asked if it looked like a job I would want. I was thinking $8 an hour! Who
wouldn't want that job! So I told them I had a teaching position that would require me to leave early on Mondays & Wednesdays. They raised an eyebrow but said that maybe that could be worked out. (Whoopie)! So we will see.
So then I went home and got out of my "interview outfit" (a blue button-down shirt, tie, and Dockers... very much a fashion statement!) and into some shorts, had a couple cups of coffee and headed up to Portland Community College to get started on my teaching there. I showed my driver's license and social security card and receive a sample syllabus and a set of keys. They'll be giving me a school ID and a mailbox. Man, I have arrived. I asked for the roster and there are 4 boys and 16 girls enrolled. (Should be a good quarter for treats).
Then I went to Leah's house in the 'Couv to help her move. Me, her and another friend of hers, Tim, moved stuff for a few hours before quitting. We went for Thai food and afterwards had ice cream at
Ice Cream Renaissance. I'm telling you that was some of the best ice cream I've ever ate. Two words: de-lish!
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