Greetings Citizens. Well I substituted for Meals-on-Wheels today. I learned a new route and met some new people. So, I guess it was fun. The thing that keeps you working for M-O-W though is the cinnamon rolls! Delicious! They are homemade with lots of frosting on them. Now I know a not-so-skinny guy like me should resist temptation. But no way! Them babies are far to good to let go by. Tomorrow I have my usual route and then there's a meeting afterwards. The upper echelon wants to know how we feel and what are needs are. Brother. Like I said, the cinnamon rolls are all I need. That's how I feel.
We had our second football meeting of the season. Usual stupid questions and a couple of good ones. We covered some new rules and some points of emphasis. Filled out a form for the state to do a background check on us since we are working with children. (Hope they don't find out about that little thing in Indiana).
After the meeting I came home hoping to have a message from Debra on my machine. Of course there was no message. I'm a sentimental fool and I figured she'd at least call me back. But, it appears that I am getting the royal blow-off. I can't say I'm surprised. This is the way things usually go. I meet someone and by the second date they think I'm a freak... or worse, a freak that is incapable of securing gainful employment. I think women look at me an say to themselves, "There's one seed we don't need seeping into the gene pool."
Oh yeah, I worked on a couple of pictures too. Even printed them out.
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